“Life will bring you pain all by itself. Your responsibility is to create joy.”

A Toast to the 30th Anniversary of the founding of MHEIBA
The Milton H. Erickson Foundation authorizes 140 Erickson Institutes world-wide to pursue the ethical practice of and training in Ericksonian hypnotherapy and related methods of healing. Our institute was founded in 1994 and has more than 40 associates. Treatment and education are what we offer to our patients. Healing and learning are what they do within themselves. Communication and relationship invite healing within the person.
MHEIBA is an association of licensed psychotherapists and Feldenkrais Practitioners practicing Erickson-influenced psychotherapy and hypnosis live and online, and teaching student and professional therapists internationally, and online. We organize workshops, Master’s and PsyD program curricula, case consultation and thesis consultation, according to the needs of our sponsors. We have worked with, contracted to, and provided faculty for university departments, professional institutes and workshop organizers in the U.S., Europe, South America, Indonesia and China. Our MHEIBA associates practice in the San Francisco Bay Area, in several states and in Europe and China.
Our teachers are excellent, with wide-ranging expertise. Students and established professionals enjoy learning with us. To honor our contractual commitments, we commit to openness and collaboration, and respect institutional and practice boundaries in place in the areas we teach.We also are openly exploring possible collaborations for future teaching and workshops in other countries and, as appropriate, with other institutions and practices in the countries we’ve taught in. To learn more, contact our Director of Training, Maria Pia Allende, mariapia@allende-consulting.com
Some MHEIBA workshops and trainings taught by our Associates:
We offer training videos and courses in Ericksonian Therapy and Hypnosis
How to do Hypnosis and Therapy the Erickson Way: Flavors of Trance with Eric Greenleaf PhD
Indigenous Medicine - Leslie Gray, PhD,
Fred Jack Miles
Healing From The Ground Up is Lori Greenleaf's Public TV series of interviews: Healing the Person; Healing the Body Politic; Healing the Earth. HFGU#13 Indigenous Medicine - Leslie Gray PhD and Fred Jack Miles, discuss indigenous approaches to medicine.
Information for Hypnosis & Therapy Clients
Looking for a Therapist?
Our licensed professional psychotherapists and body-based practitioners are located throughout the San Francisco Bay Area, nationally and internationally. Currently, all of our members practice online. Click to meet each of our members, read about them and find where they practice.
Meet our Therapists
Ericksonian Approaches to Therapy
Our Training and Workshops
Books, MHEIBA Courses and YouTube
Visit our Library! Our members offer books and video for children, adults, couples, and families. We’ve written books on hypnosis, psychotherapy, Milton Erickson, workplace dilemmas, brief sex therapy, and other topics.
MHEIBA Courses for Therapists & Advanced Students
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